“Blowin' in the Wind” is Bob Dylan’s first single of his second album The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan.In this song, Dylan poses a list of hypothetical questions; questions people… Read More 

How khổng lồ Format Lyrics:Type out all lyrics, even if it’s a chorus that’s repeated throughout the songThe Section Header button breaks up tuy vậy sections. Highlight the text then click the linkUse Bold and Italics only khổng lồ distinguish between different singers in the same verse.E.g. “Verse 1: Kanye West, Jay-Z, Both”Capitalize each lineTo move an annotation lớn different lyrics in the song, use the <...> menu khổng lồ switch lớn referent editing mode
How many roads must a man walk downBefore you điện thoại tư vấn him a man?How many seas must the trắng dove sailBefore she sleeps in the sand?Yes, & how many times must the cannonballs flyBefore they're forever banned?The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the windThe answer is blowin' in the windYes, and how many years can a mountain exist'Fore it is washed lớn the sea?Yes, & how many years can some people existBefore they're allowed to lớn be free?Yes, & how many times can a man turn his headAnd pretend that he just doesn't see?The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the windThe answer is blowin' in the windYes, & how many times must a man look upBefore he can see the sky?Yes, và how many ears must one man haveBefore he can hear people cry?Yes, and how many deaths will it take till he knowsThat too many people have died?
The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the windThe answer is blowin' in the wind
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“Blowin" in the Wind” is Bob Dylan’s first single of his second album The Freewheelin" Bob Dylan.

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In this song, Dylan poses a list of hypothetical questions; questions people may say cannot be answered, comparing them to the Civil Rights Struggle. An anthem for đen people during the 60s, it even inspired Sam Cooke lớn write “A Change is Gonna Come”. Dylan does not claim lớn know the answers, but beautifully says the answers are out there ‘blowin’ in the wind."

The melody of “Blowin" in the Wind” is Dylan’s adaptation of the old Negro spiritual “No More Auction Block”. Dylan acknowledged the source when he told journalist Marc Rowland: “‘Blowin’ in the Wind" has always been a spiritual. I took it off a tuy vậy called ‘No More Auction Block’ – that’s a spiritual and ‘Blowin’ in the Wind" follows the same feeling.” – WP


Bob Dylan claimed that it took him ten minutes lớn write this tuy nhiên in a small café. The song deals with various hypothetical questions surrounding the elements of peace, war, và freedom. Specifically, the tuy vậy dealt with the civil rights movement.

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The tuy vậy is actually based off an old spiritual “No More Auction Block”, sung by African slaves who fled after Britain abolished slavery. Later on, the song also became adopted as an anthem for the anti-war movement.

When asked about the specific subject of the song Dylan said, “It can mean anything lớn anybody. It’s critical và it’s hard, this litany of questions about what’s wrong with the world.” If one had khổng lồ choose one subject khổng lồ label the song, it would be a song asking “why”. In other words, it asks why we have the issues we bởi in our world. The answer is blowin’ in the wind.